The Skinhead

The Skinhead phenomenon originated in England where gangs on  menacing-looking, shaven-headed and tattooed youths in combat boots began to be seen in the streets in the early 1970's. Their style was meant to symbolize tough, patriotic, working-class attitudes in contrast to the supposedly sissyish, pacifist, middle-class views of the hippies.
The racist and chauvinist attitudes that prevailed at the time among many Skinheads later evolved into a crude form of Nazism. From the start, Skins drew public notice for their bigotry and taste for violence, exemplified by their frequent assaults on Asian immigrants, attacks which came to be known as "Paki-bashing."
In the years that followed, the Skinhead movement spread from England to the Continent and beyond. Racist Skinheads are found today in almost every country whose majority population is of European stock. Those attracted to the movement are almost uniformly white youths between the ages of 13 and 25, with males outnumbering females. While Skins retail the mythology of the movement's working-class origins, in reality they come from a broad range of socio-economic backgrounds.
The intimidating look favored by male Skinheads is instantly recognizable: a shaved head or closely cropped hair; jeans; thin suspenders or braces; combat boots; a bomber jacket, sometimes emblazoned with Nazi insignia; and tattoos of Nazi symbols and slogans. For security reasons, Skinheads sometimes adopt a less conspicuous look, by, for example, letting their hair grow out.



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